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Infernokrusher Core Branding and Product Placement Strategy: A Roundtable

Ok, well, it’s technically not a roundtable…but feel free to chime in or not!

In light of recent brand orientations, it has been ascertained after intense scrutiny that Kingdom of Loathing provides high-grade Infernokrusher potentialities in terms of target audience participatory matrices for explosions, implosions, jolts, reorientations: kentucky-fried meat crossbow, meat vortex, mafia aria, sonar-in-a-biscuit, amulet of extreme plot significance, etc. (Please note the aforementioned items in your handouts.). Strong infernokrushing-like potentialities uncovered that can reflow non-revenue Infernokrusher content streams into the Kingdom.

Plus, the kids seem to love it.

Recommendation to the board: Establishing a “clan,” under the “guise” of comradierie, seems to be the most appropriate use of the Infernokrusher brand.

Done! A trial clan, bearing the name “Infernokrusher”, has been created on the Kingdom of Loathing as a beach-head, if you will, for said branding strategy. (As well as clan-only chat capabilities.)

Secondary and tertiary markets: p-kill clans on MUDs, NASCAR chatrooms on AOL.

A follow-up report will be submitted to the Board in no more than thirty (30) and no less than five-thousand (5,000) days.

And on that note, have a great weekend!

Fri, July 15 2005 » Fiction, Games

2 Responses

  1. Meghan McCarron July 15 2005 @ 11:43 pm

    my favorite job listing was at an agency (william morris) where they were looking for an assistant who “must have a passion for product branding.” We have passions for poetry. If you have a passion for product branding, god help you.

    until now.

    i have never played an online game in my life. i am terrible at videogames. but this one has intrigued me for some time. how do i play?!

  2. Alan July 20 2005 @ 3:53 pm

    Meghan, you just create a character and click a lot. There’s a good tutorial within the game to help you on your way.

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