Does anyone know whether I can use the name of my livejournal feed for this blog (goblin_exchange) as a username? Just for posting comments on other people’s journals. I’m tired of being an anonymous troll! Or can someone donate a username to me? Is that how that works? Does this thing turn on? Where am I?!?
I think half my friends on LJ are people who made themselves an account but then never post anything, so they can be a “real” person on live journal and read all my super-secret friends posts. So, um. You could do that.
you can just sign up for an account - you don’t need anyone to help you. (I don’t think you can use the feed name because it already exists as an account.)
Create an account here
Yeah, it’s easy. Just go to livejournal.com and follow the simple steps towards indoctrination, er, I mean, membership. Lots of people have journals there just for the sake of commenting, myself included.
Sadly, you can’t use your lj syndiaction’s username as your own. When I was on blogger, I had lj syndication, and I couldn’t find any way to make it into a proper acount that I can use.
Eventually, I gave up and created a username of my own, as others here suggested you do.