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moving along

On a less pissy note, Brazilian superheros. I’m particularly fond of O Gralha (The Magpie), “Watchman of the Araucárias.”


Thu, September 15 2005 » ?!?!?

3 Responses

  1. Richard September 15 2005 @ 6:04 pm

    Stunning Woman’s powers are: “stunning strength, stunning velocity, stunning flight, stunning perspicacity and almost complete invulnerability.” Oh, and her alias is: “Big Breasts Flying Girl.”

    You’ve come a long way, baby. Not.

  2. Dave Schwartz September 16 2005 @ 2:02 pm

    Stunning perspicacity. That’s not something you see in every superhero.

  3. Alan September 16 2005 @ 8:00 pm

    Yeah, some of those were user-submitted, so I’m sure there were some chowderhead submittors in the mix.

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