Readercon report
Started writing a longish con report.
Saved about halfway through.
Saved post nowhere to be found in my wordpress. noooooo!
I was barely holding it together with the con report to begin with. So now I’ll have to regroup a bit. Suffice to say, it was a fantastic time, and I met, and re-met, some of my favorite people in the world.
Post-Readercon in Northampton/Amherst/Cambridge was also a ton of fun. There are some amazing bookstores in that neck of the woods. I read with Ye Olde Lady Churchill’s Intern Players at Amherst Books, and I was deeply honored to do so. Equally honored to read with Dora Goss and Kelly Link at Porter Square Books the next night. Good and thoughtful crowds both nights. Besides my Readercon reading, which was also a blast, there was the Twenty Epics reading Saturday night with 5 other contributors (more on the anthology soon). I attempted, in Evil Knievel fashion, to read snippets from 15 stories from the Twenty Epics anthology. Whether I made it to the other side of the ravine/the twenty schoolbuses lined up end to end, or crashed n’ burned somewhere en route, is up to the audience to decide. And apologies to Dave Schwartz for attempting his accenty thing during my rendition of the story. Kristin was bemused/horrified but she is the real Minnesotan deal, so I couldn’t fool her.
More later.
No apology necessary, Sir. The reading has already become Internet legend. I don’t suppose there’s a recording?