Snakes on a Plane
Par for the course, the Monday Morning Quarterback from Box Office Prophets has the best banter about particular hits and flops; in this case, of course, Snakes on a Plane:
David Mumpower: That’s the part of movie promotion that is going to happen for any potential blockbuster, though. What made Snakes on a Plane an attention-grabbing project was the passion potential consumers had with the name. New Line went with that very well.
Kim Hollis: I agree with that, it just felt like their fingerprints were on everything.
David Mumpower: Snakes don’t leave fingerprints!
I think they’re right about the release date. If it had come out two months ago, I’d have been all over it. Now I kind of feel like, “Well, I’ve already seen ‘All Your Snakes Are Belong To Us’, and that was probably funnier…”