Just like laughing at one’s jokes, is it bad form to laugh at one’s blog? I was combing through the archives, looking for aphorisms/epigraphs, and came across this post. It feels like it was written 10 years ago but it was less than 3! I forget the original context-something about young writers who made pro sales, whatever-but I was reading the comments and thinking, wow, a lot of comments on here by people I don’t know! Then I remembered: oh, right, I wrote 85 percent of the comments on this post under pseudonyms (bonus trivia: see if you can discern who wasn’t a sock puppet on here…shouldn’t be that hard).
Good times, 2005, good times.
I really hope you wrote Nick’s comment.
No. It’s completely OK to laugh at one’s own jokes.
I think that laughing at oneself is the key to happiness. It seems to be the heart of Dr. Frankl’s treatment for neurosis which is funny in and of itself because comedians do better work than modern shrinks.
Also, if your joke is not funny, at least there will be one person laughing.
I’m always lone laugher in these cases, and that’s great because it’s better to laugh than admit that one does not get the joke. Even if it’s not a joke.