Total Oblivion

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Skinny Dipping

Long-listed for the Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award and finalist for the Crawford Award. Title short story listed for the 2000 O. Henry award.

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Goblin Mercantile Exchange

Futures, Options, and Swaps (the weblog of Alan DeNiro)

A Noble Compromise

Well, as this blog whips up into shape again, it’s been an interesting experience reassembling it. For one, I actually managed to add my Twitter feed to my blog here. For the last month or so I have been posting the equivalent of “weird minute details” to the Twitter…and there always seemed to be a threshold/cutoff of whether a thought should be translated into a blog box or twitter box. And it has definitely been an interesting experience, as a writer, to work within the constraints of the twitter box. In fact it’s been helpful as an editorial tool. (It would be interesting as a pedagogical tool for a poetry workshop, for a student to keep a Twitter-journal though the course of a class.) So, really, the best of both worlds to have the Twitter feed here-although there is indeed something to be loved about posting bits and flotsam onto the blog as well. God knows this place is full of it!

Wed, February 18 2009 » Meta/Logistics

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