Total Oblivion

"A fast-paced, suspenseful dystopian picaresque, part Huck Finn and part bizarro-world Swiss Family Robinson..."



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Skinny Dipping

Long-listed for the Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award and finalist for the Crawford Award. Title short story listed for the 2000 O. Henry award.

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Goblin Mercantile Exchange

Futures, Options, and Swaps (the weblog of Alan DeNiro)

Short Stories

One of these days my big plan is to construct a Moral Majority table for my fiction–a reading guide for the faint of heart that will signpost all of the salacious parts of my fiction. Until then, just assume that a lot of bad shit happens in these stories. But some redemptive shit, too. Arkansas poet Frank Stanford once said that “Sometimes art is like a beautiful, sick dog that shits all over the house.” And…yeah. Exactly.

Collected in Skinny Dipping in the Lake of Dead


  • “The Exchanges,” Crowd. December 2006.
  • “The Centaur,” Spoiled Ink, July 2005.
  • “A Keeper,” Electric Velocipede #6, April 2004.
    Recommended Reading List.
  • “Salting the Map,” Fortean Bureau, December 2003.
  • “Our Byzantium,” Polyphony 3 (Wheatland Press), November 2003.
  • “Child Assassin,” One Story, Summer 2003.
  • “Fuming Woman,” Trampoline, Small Beer Press anthology (Kelly Link, ed.) May 2003.
  • “The Caliber,” Santa Monica Review, Fall 2002.
  • “Cuttlefish,” Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #8, June 2001.
    Honorable Mention, Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror.
  • “The Friendly Giants,” 3rd Bed #4, Spring 2001.
  • “The Excavation,” Minnesota Monthly, June 2001.
    Honorable Mention, Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror.
  • “If I Leap I Shall Fall Into My Hands,” Altair 6/7, Fall 2000.
  • “Skinny Dipping in the Lake of the Dead,” Fence, Fall 1999.
    Shortlisted for 2000 O. Henry award.